Chutz is an audacious slanted typeface with horizontal contrast and horizontally oriented strokes developed for Jewish brand Chutzpah of the Feisty Foods company based in Brooklyn, New York.

The typeface has three purposes – to feel Jewish, audacious, and delicious. To convey the feeling of Hebrew in Latin, Greek and Cyrillic script, such means as horizontal contrast (opposite of Latin) where horizontal strokes are thicker than vertical ones, and horizontally directed calligraphic strokes inherent in Hebrew script which make the letters more square, are used. To convey associations of deliciousness and to look like dough (in bolder weights), the design received soft details and rounding and saturated typographic color. To convey boldness and audacity, the structure of the letters received a different angle of slant for different letters. For example, most letters have a Latin slant (to the right), and other letters such as CGOQabcdegopqy have a typical Hebrew slant (to the left). Such a combination of different slants gives the typeface a complexity of the character ready for unexpected daring actions.

Purchase Chutz typeface at MyFonts, I Love Typography, Creative Market, Rentafont

Chutz typeface
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Chutz typeface

Chutz is a reverse-contrast slanted typeface with horizontally oriented strokes developed for Feisty Foods company based in Brooklyn, New York

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