Profil Abdulla Al Asif Hossain

remarkable | SUPPLEMENT branding and packaging design

Services: Creative Direction, Branding, Packaging
Client: Remarkable

This logo was created by customizing a font that best represents the tone and style of this brand. I chose a font that is legible and eye-catching, yet simple enough to be easily recognized. The word "remarkable" was chosen to embody the exceptional qualities of my brand. By using Illustrator's tools, I was able to customize the font by adding colors, effects, and altering its design until I achieved the desired look. The final logo is both visually appealing and memorable, which I believe will help my brand stand out in a competitive market. Thank you for your attention, and I look forward to hearing your feedback.

Are you ready to make your brand awesome?
If you are interested in a cooperation with me, drop me an email and I'll get to you as soon as possible. You can also find me on WhatsApp too
WhatsApp: +8801641138323
remarkable | SUPPLEMENT branding and packaging design


remarkable | SUPPLEMENT branding and packaging design
