1st Place Winner and People's Choice Awardee
2010 Philippine International Motor Show Student Design Competition
Concept public transport replacement for the iconic Philippine Jeepney.
Quality, Comfort and Environment Friendly
While providing one of the cheapest means of commuting, jeepneys are notorious air polluters, posing a health risk for both drivers and commuters. Our solution? 'Guidare' -- a hydrogen fuel cell powered mass transportation alternative to jeepneys that accomodates both wheelchair-bound commuters and provides a comfortable commuting experience to regular passengers.
Driver to passenger visibility is improved. Passenger injuries caused by the sudden movement of the vehicle while boarding and exiting is eliminated with the main door located at the front. 
Adjustable driver's seat. Main console contains an auxilliary jack and instrument gauges.
Instrument cluster/gauges are located right at your fingertips.
Expansive interior with seats that fold back to accomodate wheelchairs.
Regular passenger door is located right at the front, beside the driver, making boarding easier and faster.
Wheelchairs lock into place with the built-in tire lock system located at the bottom of each fold-up seat.
Electric Motor Configuration
Pancake motors on the wheels and batteries placed through the chassis.
Guidare: WC/RPT-PUV