Mike Hahn's profile

Griot's Garage Emails

Roles: Creative Direction, Design, Copywriting, HTML
When I started with Griot's Garage in 2007, the company's weekly marketing emails were running on auto-pilot; select a random array of products, push the send button, profit. A loyal customer base allowed this scattershot methodology.
Over time, it became more challenging to rise above inbox noise and deliver messages that hit home. In response to the changing landscape, I initiated a customer-centric approach that built campaigns around the solving of common problems. Backing this idea with glossy, magazine style design and crisp copywriting was a winning formula.
In 2009, with the launch of the Griot's Garage Blog, I began to push the "added value" concept further by including soft-sell articles based on the theme of the email. The heat maps didn't lie. Bonus content like this was always the most clicked...
By 2013, entire emails often featured non-sales content (usually video)...
The takeaway? A mix of contextualized product offers and relevant, well-executed content seems to hit the sweet spot. In other words, customers are saying, "I don't mind if you try to sell me something, as long as you also give me something for free." Okay, we can do that!
In all, I concepted, designed, and wrote over 300 unique marketing emails for the Griot's Garage mailing list of 200K+ subscribers.
Griot's Garage Emails

Griot's Garage Emails

National Broadcast Emails
