"LIGHT AND SHADOW" is a project that explores the study of light and shadows in architecture.
Starting from a black and white image, the project was subdivided into parts with an understanding of light and shadows. Selecting pieces based on an imaginative spatial experience, they were placed onto a white sheet and covered with different spatial drawings with the idea of light and shadows.
Phase one was about creating awareness about the components that creates a spatial experience. It means that the sub division can relate to the structure, light, space and different relations such as between the inside and outside space in different divided parts. It was also to awaken the inner conscious to understand the sub division that all together made one reality image. The sub divisions were to be such that all the things like Light and dark, real and reflection, Depth and shallowness were Identified in different spatial experiences that made up an overall space that was to be present in each sub divided part. So that each part had it's own meaning of reality
The main focus of the composition was on the relation of Negative space (white space) and Positive space (sub divided image parts). It was about making sense by conscious mind that to whatever relations the different pieces made in the white space between them. White space was infinite space of imagination which talked to the pieces of different instances, scale and were cut and pasted in different orientations. Such that it gave spatial experience. Creating awareness about the light, texture, shape, scale and contrast. It was to understand how arrangement and rearrangement of the spatial experiences triggers one's imagination.
 Drawing was a way to think of a three dimensional reality on a two dimensional canvas. Understanding how one can negotiates in space through movement and also how the surfaces work together to create a new spatial reality. Something that makes you feel the environment around you with such intensity that you lose yourself in the endless view of imagination. Which allows us to understand the architecture reality of inside and outside, through experience of the multiple layers that creates a space. It was to imagine the new reality by establishing quality of surfaces defined in the image. which creates the awareness of how the concept of space develops in the mind of an architect and also how one can experience the space around one self.

