ImageFaithChaos is a group exhibition that was held at the HMCT (Hoffmitz Milken Center for Typography), Los Angeles which displayed sculptures and projections, inspired by the city of Berlin. In the project, my goal was to ‘deconstruct to reconstruct’; each member of my team (Diana Choung, Akido Labs, and Alicia Rangel, GOAT), deconstructed a big part of his/her identity in Berlin and came back "reconstructed" as a stronger, more resolved individual. 
During our time there as design researchers, deconstructing identity in Berlin encouraged me to strip superficiality and face my core identity. I dissected the chaos in my life in California and juxtaposed it to Berlin. The goal –– bring the Berlin experience back to LA.
My life in California was chaotic from the beginning; stepping into the world of juxtaposing systematic chaos with deliberate order, the consequences of chaos has been eye-opening. This manifested in interactive sculpture as well as motion and sound design on the projection.




Creative Fields