This is my soccer manager game SCM
What is the SCM ?

The Football Club Manager is a Free2Play Football Manager Game.
Each player creates his own club for free at the beginning, for which he then acts as manager.
The game is completely free of all pay to win mechanics, only your skill as a soccer manager determines your success.
With only 5 to 10 minutes of time each day, you can already play the game optimally.
This makes the football manager game ideal for the daily commute to work or school.

Description of the soccer club manager

Every day there is a match day in the game world.
Become the manager of your own football club and play against other managers' clubs in various competitions every matchday.
Customise your club by designing a unique crest, banner and kit.
Choose a unique club philosophy that suits your own management style.

Promote your club to the highest league - the famous Legendary League.
The best clubs in the entire game world play in this league.
Lead your club to glory by winning the National Cup, in which clubs from the same nation play against each other.
The same thing happens in principle in the International Cup, where all the clubs in the entire game world play against each other in a cup mode.
Apply to be the official national manager of a nation to manage that nation in the World Cup for one season.

Every manager can sign players and coaches for his club.
The players and coaches can be traded in a transfer market with other managers.
In addition to transfer income, each club also receives stadium income, sponsorship income and income from the sale of fan merchandise.
Improve your club in the long term through well-considered investments.
Develop your stadium, your player academy and your coaching academy.
Prepare your team for each match and counter the tactics of your opponents.

Frequently asked questions

Is the game free ?

Yes, the football manager game is completely free of charge.
Furthermore, there are no benefits that can be acquired with real money.
This gives all managers the same chance of success.

How does the game work ?

Every day there is a match day.
League matches, national cup matches, international cup matches and World Cup matches are automatically calculated at different times.
Soccer managers can set the line-up and tactics for the next match before each game.
The last matches and the last tactics of the next opponent are displayed to the managers during the line-up, so that the own team can be optimally prepared for the next match.

How long does a season last ?

A season has 35 matchdays from matchday 0 to matchday 34.
A new season begins after the 34th matchday.
At the change of season, successful teams move up one league level and bad teams move down one league level.

What are the tactics ?

The tactics system includes the tactics time play, distance shot, long ball, counterattack, passing game and wing game.
Similar to the popular game of rock-paper-scissors, tactics are always effective and ineffective against certain other tactics.
Managers can get advantages against other clubs by cleverly choosing their own tactics for the next football match.

How do I improve my team ?

To improve your football players you can invest money in the training infrastructure of your club.
Then your players gain more experience points during training sessions and matches and thus become stronger.
You can also strengthen your team with football players from the transfer market.

How do I generate money ?

If you want to earn more money in the long run, it is advisable to expand your stadium.
With an expanded stadium, you get more money from home games.
You can also buy improvements for your club that will bring you permanently higher income from fan article sales and sponsors.
Another way is to train young players and then sell them on the transfer market.

What effect does the talent of a soccer player have ?

Soccer players with a higher talent level gain more experience points than players with a low talent value.
The potential of more talented soccer players to reach higher soccer player levels is thus higher.

What effects does the age of the player have?

As the player age increases, the level points calculated from experience points decrease slightly.
So older players get worse over time.
In addition, the injury risk of old football players is higher than that of young football players.

Can I improve players ?

Yes, players are automatically improved as they gain more experience points.
The change of the player level happens every matchday.
Players gain experience points through league matches, national cup matches and international matches.
In World Cup matches, however, football players do not receive any experience points at all.
In addition, football players gain experience points through team training and individual training.

Can I improve coaches ?

No, the level of soccer coaches cannot be improved.
Coaches start their career with certain levels for each possible tactic, which do not change.

How do I get more talented football players ?

Improve your player academy to get more talented football players.
Every matchday, you will be offered a certain number of young footballers from your academy, depending on the academy's expansion level.
How do I get more talented football coaches ?
Improve your coaching academy to get more talented football coaches.
Every matchday, you will be offered a certain number of young football coaches from your academy, depending on the academy's expansion level.
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