Perfil de Tugrul Firat

Webdesign for Interior Design Company

I designed a modern and responsive UI/UX design for a interior design company The goal is to provide an easy and seamless experience for browsing and purchasing high-quality furniture and other interior design elements. The design was built from scratch with desktop and mobile optimization in mind.
What I Did?
Carried out UX research to gain a deeper understanding of user needs and preferences.
Generated innovative ideas to add value to the company.
Identified the exact target audience and created user personas to cater to their specific needs.
Determined the content of the digital products and offers for the clients.
Created wireframes and prototypes to visualize the design and layout of the platform.
Developed an interactive prototype to allow users to test and provide feedback.
Designed the system and solution to ensure a seamless user experience.
Provided UX/UI design that prioritized user experience and helped clients stay engaged with the brand.
Designed the landing page and ensured a responsive design that adapts to different devices.

I firstly started with a desktop wireframe, since the research concluded that the clients are mostly using larger screens to check the details.
Creating a design system and brand identity before developing high fidelity prototypes is a crucial step in UX design. 

Before creating high fidelity prototypes, I also spent time defining the brand's values, target audience, and unique selling points. This information informed the creation of a brand identity, which includes elements such as the logo, color palette, typography, and other design assets that visually represent the brand.
After creating a wireframe, the next step is to convert it into a high fidelity prototype. This involves adding design elements such as colors, typography, and graphics to the wireframe to give it a more polished and professional look. I always work with Figma.

By having a clear brand identity and design system in place, I applied these elements to my high fidelity prototypes, creating a polished and professional user interface that accurately represents the brand and appeals to the target audience.
I created a product page that effectively communicates the brand's values and unique selling points. The product page included various elements such as the product description, images, reviews, pricing, and call-to-action buttons.

To ensure that the product page accurately reflects the brand's identity, the design elements from the brand identity and design system were used consistently throughout the page. This includes the color palette, typography, and imagery, as well as any unique design elements that were established in the design system.
n addition to creating a desktop version of the product page, the principles of brand identity and design system were also applied to the mobile version. This ensured that the design was consistent and cohesive across all devices, and that the user experience was optimized for mobile users.

The mobile version of the product page includes all the same elements as the desktop version, but with a layout and design that is optimized for smaller screens. The brand identity and design system elements were adapted to fit the mobile format, while still maintaining the same visual style and messaging.

The mobile version was also tested extensively to ensure that it provided a seamless and intuitive user experience, and that it effectively communicated the product's value proposition to mobile users. This helped to ensure that the brand's identity and values were reflected consistently across all devices, and that users could engage with the product regardless of their preferred device.
Webdesign for Interior Design Company
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Webdesign for Interior Design Company

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