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God of War: Ragnarok UX&UI Redesign

To enhance the visual appeal of the game, I incorporated a new font and implemented a highlighting feature to emphasize selected words.
I reorganized the UI layout to include a clear and concise visualization of the currently equipped weapons and equipment. To achieve this, I separated the "weapons" and "armor" into two distinct sides, which created a more efficient navigation system. 

Additionally, I added a section at the bottom of the screen to display the character's level, along with other relevant information, while maintaining a clean and uncluttered interface.
My new design allows players to use the analog stick to move a cursor around the screen instead of relying on arrow keys. 

This feature enables a "hover" function, which enables players to view the status of their weapons without having to select them. 

While they can still access the status menu to customize their weapons, this new approach offers a more intuitive and seamless user experience.
The original skill tree menu displayed the unlock levels for each ability, which made it difficult to navigate. To enhance the user experience, I categorized each ability into different levels, making it easier for players to understand when they can unlock certain abilities. ​​​​​​​
Players can now view Kratos' ability cooldowns alongside Atreus' abilities, which provides a more comprehensive view of their available options. This change enables players to strategize more effectively during combat, enhancing the overall gameplay experience.
I redesigned the navigation bar located at the top of the screen. The icons representing different locations now dynamically resize based on the character's proximity, with larger icons indicating closer destinations. 

Additionally, I readjusted the position of distance information below each icon to prevent any potential clashes, resulting in a more intuitive and streamlined navigation system.
God of War: Ragnarok UX&UI Redesign

God of War: Ragnarok UX&UI Redesign
