Profil Visual Smugglers

Union Station Toronto - Creative Designer

CASE STUDY- Union Station Toronto - Creative Designer
The Ask
Contrabande agency entrusted us with the task of creating two posters for their client, which required us to adhere to specific guidelines and incorporate the client's branding. Our team began by conducting research to understand the client's values and vision and to develop unique designs that would effectively communicate their message. We presented several mock-ups for review, working closely with the client to incorporate feedback and suggestions throughout the design process. Our attention to detail and creative expertise will ensure that the final product is not only visually appealing but also conveys the client's message effectively. We are confident in delivering exceptional designs that meet the client's expectations and exceed them.
We took a targeted approach to the project by first gaining a deep understanding of the target audience and their thought process, enabling us to communicate effectively with them. We then meticulously reviewed the client's brand guidelines to establish the project's parameters. Using this information, we began developing initial mockups, working closely with the client throughout multiple revisions to deliver a final design that met their specific requirements. Our attention to detail and collaborative approach ensured that the final product was of exceptional quality and successfully communicated the client's message.
Service we provided 
Brand Identity, Design Concept Developer and Research and Analysis, Creative Direction and project management.
Union Station Toronto - Creative Designer


Union Station Toronto - Creative Designer
