Project Concept

With the enthusiasm of a newly acquired skill, STEELTS is personal project that spans over several concepts, ideas and designs.
STEELTS is an idea of a steel company.
This inspired me to conceptually and characteristically draw the following concepts. 
Below are the results of a hyper-excited individual exploring designing. 

Concept A explores the concept of structure. Structure is the basic building block of any construction, idea and execution; as is steel the basic building material in construction.
Exploring the use of structure and basic building blocks I opted for a geometric shape. 
The hexagon represents the geometric shape of structure as well as the six qualities and uses of steel; development, foundation, strength, durability, malleability and ductility. 
The use of this element varies throughout, This concept has two approaches with a varying options of color and identity designs.
Project 1
Project 2
Concept B explores the interaction of lines while depicting the sequential structure of steel products. 
The words and thoughts that caused this inspiration are, structure, archiecture, multiple uses and formation.
The elements that support the concept are the various kinds of lines, the hexagon, and the different lines 
juxtaposed against each other.
Project 1
Project 2
Project 3
Project 4

Concept C is a revival of the shield logo. The concept behind using the shield was the characteristics of steel. 
Its strength, its quality and basic use in foundations denotes protection ergo the concept of a Shield. 
The elements that portray these ideas are the shield itself, the diamonds used  and the steel products. 


A personal project to enhance designing skills. STEELTS evolved from the thought of industry design and exploring different styles of designing. Read More
