Profiel van Denzel chan

Project 1 - Bagged

Project Overview
Bagged is an up coming local New Zealand company that manufactures high quality bags and accessories from recycled billboard vinyl in an effort to reduce landfill waste and our carbon footprint.

For this project i have been asked to create visual solutions for digital and physical media to assist and bring awareness to their upcoming launch. They have asked for research to support my decision making process to be included.
My role
Market research, asset creation / graphic designer, marketing strategy.
Target Market
BAGGED’s target market is sustainable and eco-friendly minded consumers from New Zealand, these people are likely in the upper middle - upper class with a fair amount of disposable income.
Market Position
BAGGED has positioned itself in the upper range of the market by strategically pricing their products higher than its cheaper competitors but slightly lower than pricier competitors, matched with a high quality and easy to navigate website. Their social medias also use high quality images and a sleek/modern theme to invoke a feeling of luxury.
Target Audience
The target audience for this campaign is people aged 30 - 60 from Auckland in the middle - upper class sustainable thinking and eco friendly people, those who care about the environment and are willing to spend extra for high quality and sustainable products.
Existing solutions
Market Insights
As Kiwi’s the majority of us are conscious about sustainability, recycling and taking care of the environment we are are mostly also aware of what causes harm to the planet which is why NZ is a great country to launch our product.  Kiwi’s know how important it is to be reducing their waste as they see it in the top 3 most important challenges we must face in the next 20 years, Kiwi’s are also hopeful that they can make a change and many of us are comitted to making a difference on some level.  Knowing there are large numbers of sustainable and eco-minded Kiwi’s we can launch our product to give these consumers an easy, accessible and high quality sustainable product.
- Lack of alternatives is the largest reason to kiwis using plastics
- 75% of kiwis believe it is all of our responsibility to combat climate change
- 50% of kiwis surveyed are very worried about the impact of waste
- 62% highly committed to recycling / 33% medium committed
- 55% committed to reducing waste they produce / 40% medium committed
- Women (57%)  & Maori (62%) are more likely to be concerned about climate change .
- Kiwis believe that reducing top 3 most important challenges NZ must face over next 20 years
- Men are less likely to worry about impacts of waste (42%)
- No qualification / High school education less likely to be concerened about climate change (42%)
- Kiwis generally know more about recycling than waste reduction
- 33% “cant” afford re-useable products / most likely they can afford them but their perceptions and values stop them from buying re-useable products that are usually more expensive.
My Solutions & Why
For our first piece of collateral we have chosen to use a billboard, this is because it will be the most attention grabbing asset and will hopefully get people talking plus the awareness it will give our brand and influential purchasing power that they carry, we will use specific locations to advertise in to make sure we are reaching the right people.
For our second piece of collateral we will utilise a giveaway on Facebook.  To enter the giveaway users will have to 1. like the page, 2. share + like the post, 3. tag 3 friends in the comments. Gain an additional entry by posting it on their story.  We will run paid promotion on the post to maximise its reach, the mix of people tagging their friends + the paid promotion will help expand our brand awareness greatly.

With instagram and other social medias having younger demographics we have decided to use Facebook to run our giveaway.  FB has a larger group of older users and also has more users in general, the ad impressions are very high.

- 75% of users reported visiting a local business page at least once a week.
- 62% of internet users ages 65 and older use Facebook.
- 72% of 50 to 64-year-olds use it. 

Facebook has the highest number of users in these age ranges. We have decided to use it on instagram also as the post will work there too but will only use paid promotion on Facebook.
Final Designs
Project 1 - Bagged

Project 1 - Bagged


Creatieve disciplines