Dawid Planetas profil

A Place In The Soul

“There’s a place in the soul where you’ve never been wounded.”
― Meister Eckhart

"A Place in the Soul", 2021, ©Dawid Planeta

There is a place within you that lies further than your thoughts and your conception of "you" will ever reach.
That place cannot be wounded, damaged or changed by anything that happens to you.
It's a seed from which you can always regrow.
A source of power that will never run out.
A light that was always there, and will be there forever.
The hard part is the journey you have to go on tofind it and reconnect with it.
It's a journey beyond the mind, but not through running away from it, but rather through relaxing and allowing yourself to drown. After all, things you are drowning in aren't even real. What makes them real are your attempts to struggle. When you shift your attention to what is greater than the mind, then you will find guidance and wisdom you are looking for.

I hope you're all going to find it.
A Place In The Soul


A Place In The Soul
