Henkilön Joey Kowalczewski profiili

Halo Plasma Pistol Display

Deciding to construct a project that’s nostalgic to say the least, Joey Kowalczewski thought it would be best to paint and illuminate a plasma pistol from his favorite gaming series, Halo 
Gameplay of Combat Evolved with a plasma pistol 
Start of painting the plasma pistol 
Originally, Joey thought it would be best to store the breadboards and Arduino for the LEDs in the pistol itself, but unfortunately the 3D printers couldn’t withstand a print of that size, so a storage box was implemented so it could display itself, rather act as a prop. 
A rectangular-shaped hole was formed to allow the lights to string up to the pistol. 
Dedicated to Halo 2-3, this plasma pistol consists of the slightly more sophisticated design than Combat Evolved (1), but has an  exaggerated color scheme like the one in that chapter. 
There are two strands of lights: one is a NeoPixel strip, which possesses a vertical display through the pistol; the other is a ring that is mounted on the handle of it to display power. 
A video of the plasma pistol switching between color pattern states
Halo Plasma Pistol Display

Halo Plasma Pistol Display
