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Travel for your soul - Experiential travel

#Cultural tourism is a type of tourism activity in which the visitor's essential motivation is to learn, discover, experience and consume the tangible and intangible cultural attractions/products in a tourism destination. These attractions/products relate to a set of distinctive material, intellectual, spiritual, and emotional features of a society that encompasses arts and architecture, historical and cultural heritage, culinary heritage, literature, music, creative industries and the living cultures with their lifestyles, value systems, beliefs and traditions.

#Experience travel tends to focus on inspirational, personalized travel and/ or creates a path to self-discovery.

#Jvala curates #travel that allows you to immerse in Indian #culture to feel sublime. Why sublime? Well…, sublime experiences are comfort for the soul; hence, they will rekindle our passions, giving rise to contentment. 

Travel for your soul - Experiential travel

Travel for your soul - Experiential travel
