a curious ape's submissions 
to the wpc's weekly photo challenge
20230623 - 20230629
Clocks, Watches and Time
20230616 - 20230622
20230609 - 20230615
20230602 - 20230608
Half Face
20230526 - 20230601
20230519 - 20230525
After a week of inability to see symmetry in the world, a common city bus saved me. 
20230512 - 20230518
Colour Pop
20230505 - 20230511
20230428 - 20230504
20230422 - 20230427
Coffee Aroma
20230414 - 20230421
Film Noir
20230407 - 20230413
Shot in Academy Ratio
Stops & Stations Challenge
20230331 - 20230406
Waiting at a stop nowhere in particular and at no particular time
Repetitions Challenge
20230324 - 20230330
Shadows Challenge 
20230317 - 20230323
Sometimes what makes the difference can't be seen.
Illumination Challenge
20230310 - 20230316
Reflections Challenge
20230303 - 20230309
Beyond the Machine Challenge
20230224 - 20230302
The Machine Challenge
20230217 - 20230223​​​​​​​
The machine could be many things: a technical machine with an engine and moving parts, a corporate structure with all its inner workings, or society at large with individuals as the proverbial cogs in the machine. The picture below boils down these concepts to what I believe is their bare foundation: human force interacting with human built devices acting on the world - not just to achieve an end but - to move forward to a next place in time and space from where to contemplate and move again.

Project Made For

