Profil użytkownika „Valentina Wiltosch”

Dantes Divine Comedy book Cover Design

Dantes Divine Comedy Book Cover Design

The project's main aim is to design and illustrate two doors that represent one door in heaven and the other door a hell door. So I have decided with the two illustrations of the doors to make book covers for the three books of Dante's divine comedy, inferno and paradise are about his journey to heaven and hell. Additionally, I also decided to design a third door to design the book cover for purgatory since it's the second book in Dante's divine comedy
The Beauty of Illustrations and Gradients
The colors I decided to make the hellish door red to represent the dark and fires of hell, in contrast to this I used blue for the heavenly door since the color blue represents purity and the heavenly peaceful tone of the heavens. And for purgatory is the realm that is in between heaven and hell, that's why I choose the color purple since it's the color that is mixed with red and blue.
I wanted to be more modern to attract more younger readers since Dante's divine comedy is an old classical book.
So, I decided to design the cover with more abstract-looking shapes to modernize the cover and make it more trendy and I additionally added gradients to make the cover stand out more and make it more attractive to audiences.

Dantes Divine Comedy book Cover Design


Dantes Divine Comedy book Cover Design
