"There may be a great fire in our soul, yet no one ever comes to warm himself at it, and the passers-by see only a wisp of smoke" - Vincent Van Gogh
Wisp of Smoke, 2017, ©Dawid Planeta
Most people don’t really know anything about you. They know only a small part of who you are – they see only a wisp of smoke as they’re passing by. But even though they don’t know you, it doesn’t stop them from having opinions about you. And what’s worse – it doesn’t stop YOU from believing in everything they say. You let them distract you and draw you away from your fire, from your place of power.

Now instead of taking care of the fire – to make it bigger, brighter, more powerful – you engage into meaningless pursuit of things you think you are missing. You leave your fire just because someone told you that you don’t have it. And you believed. You believed because you are afraid he may be right – maybe you don’t have it, maybe it’s not THE fire. Maybe he figured it out and you don’t know anything. Maybe you are lost and he’s not. Maybe it’s too late. Maybe you’ll never find it.

All those thoughts appear when you leave your fire. And to find it you must come back to yourself. No one can show you the way – other people can inspire you, they can help you illuminate your path with their own fire, but your path is your own and it’s different from every path that has ever existed. Have courage to stay by your fire. Take care of it and let it shine.

Wisp Of Smoke


Wisp Of Smoke

