ASKME - Logo Design
Client Brief 
ASKME is a Dubai-based company that offers a range of services to assist businesses in getting started. These services encompass business setup, visa processing, legal support, negotiation assistance, and translation services. Additionally, the company provides supplementary services such as property investment, including purchasing and renting properties, as well as opening bank accounts in the UAE.

The main objective of ASKME is to simplify the process of relocating to the UAE for entrepreneurs, new businesses, and investors.

The client has expressed a preference for a logo that is straightforward and easily comprehensible.

Logo Design Process
1. Sketching
Prior to commencing the sketching process, I conducted thorough research and shared reference materials with the client. Based on the client's selection, I began drafting my initial sketches. Since effective communication is crucial to the client's services, I opted to incorporate a speech bubble element into the logo design.

Various iterations of the logo with different speech bubble designs and alignments were sketched, and the client ultimately preferred the first version.
2. Using Adobe Illustration.

Next, I utilized Adobe Illustrator to bring the chosen sketch to life. The first step involved creating the speech bubble element, followed by selecting an appropriate font.
After considering various options, I opted for The Sans Serif font due to its simplistic and streamlined appearance. 

Specifically, I selected the Futura font and made additional customisations to the letters "A" and "M".
3. Choosing right colour combination.

Following this, I proceeded to add color to the logo design. In order to convey a sense of stability and professionalism, I opted for shades of blue, which are commonly utilized by corporate entities. Furthermore, I selected white for the "ASK" portion of the logo, as it contrasts well against blue, and black for the "ME" portion to provide the optimal contrast.

After experimenting with various shades of blue, I ultimately settled on the first option, which the client subsequently approved.
4. The final approved logo design
5. Mockup
Contact me if you want to hire me :

Whatsapp: +971585385701

My Social Media Link -
Logo Design - ASKME


Logo Design - ASKME
