The brief
The press has been extensively covering dogs attacking people in public. Persuade dog owner’s to put their pet on a leash in public.
The solution
Many dog owners think they know their dog very well, so they will ignore a straightforward message. We tried to overcome their resistance by making them directly question the nature of their own dog. With the posters we reminding dog owners that even the nicest pooch has a potential wild side. We choose friendly cartoon dogs because people are very familiar with them and changing their appearance would grab immediate attention. The commercial video was inspired by frequent media reports featuring a murder in a suburban area that came as a complete shock to those living in the neighbourhood.
 We figured that if you can’t even predict a person’s behaviour, how can you predict a dog’s?
The medium
Press, Television
Leo Totsamii
Take the lead - Roses 2014 winner

Take the lead - Roses 2014 winner

The goal of this campaign was to convince dog owners to keep their dog on the leash. This project was an entry for the 2014 student roses awards.
