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瞧桥 Eye on Jetties

瞧桥 Eye on Jetties

那一座座贯穿过往与现代的姓氏桥,历经二战时期,在时光洪流下仍然静静伫立在那,常有一群在附近乘凉休憩的老人家,围坐一起唠叨着从前往事,忆述他们从中国南下槟城落地生根的故事。早期的姓氏桥,曾是人人口中的“三教九流之地”,是本地人不敢随便踏入的边缘地,后来因城市发展的规划,姓氏桥 划地。幸运的是2008年的入遗为姓氏桥加冕,也让那一座座承载着人情记忆的百年桥得以保存,及时逃过被拆除的宿命。顶着入遗的光环,姓氏桥一举成为游客来槟城必打卡之地。桥上人来去匆匆,对 !桥》姓氏桥摄影展,用镜头将姓氏桥的历史定格,一窥桥上最日常的人文风情。

Each jetty has its own history, from World War II to present day, that is often expressed through groups of elderly residents who would gather at leisure near their homes to reminisce about the olden days and their journeys from China to Penang. In its early years, the Clan Jetties’ shady reputation kept locals away. The jetties were subsequently included in an urban redevelopment blueprint that would see them completely replaced. But when George Town succeeded in its bid to become a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 2008, a new consciousness for conservation saved the century-old Clan Jetties from the wrecking ball. With the UNESCO endorsement casting a spotlight on the Clan Jetties, it soon became an attraction thronged by visitors night and day. Regrettably, many left without a genuine understanding of the significance of the site. This “Eye on Jetties” Clan Jetties Photo Exhibition aims to reveal the many facets of this fascinating community in appreciation of its place in George Town’s history.

Organiser | Pusat Khidmat Parlimen Tanjong 丹绒区国会议员服务中心
Co-organiser | Pusat Khidmat KADUN Pengkalan Kota 彭加兰哥打区州议员服务中心 x
                          Majlis Pengurusan Komuniti dan Kampung (MPKK) Clan Jetties 姓氏桥社区管理委员会
Curator | 城视报 x 潮人居                 
Planning | Chong Lee Choo 张丽珠
Editorial | See Chiew Yen 徐秋雁
Design | ini eenie  x See Chiew Yen 徐秋雁
Site Planning | ini eenie
Photographer |  Leong Wai Yee  梁僡育 x Chang Wei Chuan 郑伟权
Furniture Sponsor | 陈楚淮
Year | 2019

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瞧桥 Eye on Jetties

瞧桥 Eye on Jetties
