Profil appartenant à The Black Unicorn

Medicinal Marijuana Packaging Design

The goal of this project was to produce a line of professional labels and packages for medicinal marijuana that was both funtional and informative.  The labels had to provide consumers with the information they need to safely use the product, even though currently there are no regulations.   Inspiration for the overall look was found in traditional cannabis culture and reefer madness propoganda.  The companies unique focus on 'Traditional Strains' was also key when designing the final packages.
I found it interested how currently in British Columbia medicinal marijuana is minimally packaged, if packaged at all and there seems to be no regulations on what information should be displayed for consumers.  Normal packages include plain unlabelled ziplock bags or jars. Laws surrounding the product are constantly being changed, however, and I have no doubt this is a direct cause for the apparent confusion and oversight in regards to packaging design.  I would love to work on more projects and help the industry establish itself professionally in our city.
NOTE: I chose to represent and actual licensed producer, Canna Farms, for the project to help position the product and establish a look and feel for the brand and label.  However, they were in no way affiliated with this project.
Complete Product Line
Ziplock Bag Labels
Ziplock Bag Labels
Ziplock Bag Label Close Up
Ziplock Bag Label Close Up
Pre-rolled Joints Packaging
Pre-rolled Joints Packaging
Pre-rolled Joints Packaging
Pre-rolled Joints Packaging
Pre-rolled Joints Packaging
Medicinal Marijuana Packaging Design
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Medicinal Marijuana Packaging Design

Branding and Packaging Design for medicinal marijuana.

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