Ollka Kachko 的个人资料

BOOK I Always eat left hand

Always eat left hand

The book is written to share thoughts that are radically different from what teachers and leaders have been repeating to you for years. The tips encourage the reader to think progressively. Certain contradictory patterns of behavior help to become successful at work and in everyday life.

I've designed a book that contains fifteen secrets for success in work and everyday life. All secrets are not obvious and strange. The created character gives advice using left and right hands.


The left hand gives non-obvious advice that seems crazy. We cannot understand them 
until we read this chapter. The artwork in this hand is variable for each chapter.

The right hand explains these crazy tips.
 It gives us a conclusion and is therefore at the end of each chapter.

Always eat left hand
Rohit Bhargava I 2023


BOOK I Always eat left hand

BOOK I Always eat left hand
