Possessing a background in hobby frisbee, designer Joey Kowalczewski thought it would be best to dedicate a storage area for all of his frisbees. Not only that, he will room with someone who shares this same passion next year, who will have access to the rack as well. 

Designed using thin plywood, super glue, black and metallic gray paint, and laser cut supports, Joey managed to construct a storage rack to hold his and his future roommate’s frisbees. 
Starting out, a design was produced on a building platform know as Fusion360…this was to create the support beams for the frisbees themselves. 

To Hello World, a Foamcore model was developed as a test of the modeler’s vision.

The design was transferred over to laser cut and converted to wood not long after. 

The base was created not long after, just not requiring as much designing…sadly. :( 

The two were combined by positioning super glue where the supports needed to be, which were around 3-4 inches down from the preceding. 

After combining the base and support beams, you’re able to paint!

After painting the base and supports black, a sawtooth hook was attached on the back for when prepared to display. 

