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ixtract | Handelsblatt Business Atlas

Handelsblatt Business Atlas
An interactive feature on emerging markets
For the german business paper Handesblatt we created an interactive feature for tablet and desktop browsers. The subject of this applications concerns the emerging markets, including six selected countries. There are nine sub categories per country, including numerous indices and data of the fields of economy, taxation and trade, which can be review and then compared to each other. Therefore, this tool provides a broad overview of facts and data of uprising growth markets as Brasil, China or India. The tool consists of the most prevailing data and can be regarded at www.handelsblatt.com/adv/hsbc
German version: http://ixtract.de/portfolio-item/hsbc-businessatlas
A screencast of the final application, one can see at www.handelsblatt.com/hsbc
It was a long way down to the final application for the tablet. First of all, a broad research of the data, in which online and PDF documents had to be scanned. For the selected information first ideas came up for suitable charts. We combed through all of these sheets in order to arrange the necessary data. This compilation demonstrated the basis of our first idea drafts concerning possible categories and layouts.
Those gradually gathered data were successively moved into a central data base, which included more than 1000 individual values in the end. According to the permanently close agreement with the customer, the content was then defined, structured and partly rearranged. A fundamental requirement of the obtained outcome was that it‘s final form always had to be dynamic. So, it wasn‘t allowed to have an immutable HTML code as a basis. We rather needed a continuously updating structure.
At the same time, it was necessary to visualize all of the automated content in an individual kind of way. On the way to the final charts, plenty alternatives were sampled and tested so that we were able to always achieve the best readability - bonded to the overall layout.
From the scribble across several layout variations up to the final screen. At first glance, it was done in the twinkling of an eye. But in this case, this twinkle consisted of many technical pinches and detail problems, which had to be solved.
We also promoted an advertorial in the Handelsblatt - analogue to the publication of the online feature.
ixtract | Handelsblatt Business Atlas


ixtract | Handelsblatt Business Atlas

For the international major bank HSBC, we created an interactive feature for tablet and desktop browsers. The subject of this applications concer Read More
