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I. reverse dam : rural is an organless body

reverse dam : rural is an organless body

The dimensionless perspective that looks at the rural from outside has already lost its optimism and credibility. For this reason, when thinking about the rural, it is necessary to get look at the rural from within the it. The rural is an organless body with different densities in it. This body contains urban densities in which human beings are at the core, exist by placing themselves in the rural, manipulating the place where they are settled, and domesticating nature.

The rural is an organless body, which contained different densities and had its own flows and cycles. These densities turn into invader organs that settle in the organless body as the “conscious consumer” becomes the dominant power in the rural.
These invading organs evolve into tools, namely masks, that consume the rural, disrupt its organless cycles and flows, and use these cycles in the interests of capitals. By reducing and hiding the rural’s own potential future, the masks promise the rural a future created by the anthropocentric-consumer mentality and consume the present and past of the rural for the sake of this designed future.
Dams, which are invader organs placed in the body of the Euphrates river in a controlled and gradual manner, have turned into masks that reduce the rural future with the designs of the capitals.
The possible futures of rural, trapped in the limbo between nature and the “conscious consumer” are suppresed through masks. The liberation of the rural future can only be achieved through the unmasking of the rural's diseased body. The aim of the removal is not to return to the original, but to trigger the birth of the new organless by using the  creation potential of the mask, namely the dam, by hybridizing the rural with the organs placed in it.
This new organless describes a hybrid body, hence a hybrid nature-rural which is a state of synthetic nature created by human with a dam, is nourished by them and disappears with them. Therefore, it is both an organless and organised body. 
I. reverse dam : rural is an organless body


I. reverse dam : rural is an organless body
