Amira Sultan's profile

Happy for the right reasons_ The satisfaction

  The happy for the right reasons is in us not outside it or superficial things.
The idea
 I chose this idea after many attempts to come up with a simple but clear idea at the same time.
 Therefore, I came up with the idea that happiness for the right reasons comes from within and comes from a healthy heart, so I used the shape of the heart as a symbol.
 In addition, I used these specific eyes that reflect inner satisfaction, which is the main meaning of life, and that result from our feeling of happiness for the real reason, not just a material reason.
 The shape used is simple, intelligent, and quick to memorize, and is suitable for use at many times of the ages, as it is not bound by a certain fashion.
 In addition, I used a basic sentence that clarifies and emphasizes the idea, as well as a simple sentence.

The Moral
 Clarification that a healthy heart is the one that reaches true happiness through its internal principles that lead it to happiness for the right reasons and to reach satisfaction, which is the main purpose of life and it is difficult to reach except through self-strife that needs a pure soul and a strong heart.
 I used a degree of red, which indicates health, life in the heart, love and noble feelings.
 Also, I used a degree of blue, which expresses the satisfaction and inner peace of the individual resulting from his happiness for real reasons, not fake ones.
 The picture expresses that the mind that has living values and principles and a healthy mind produces good thoughts. It really means what are the correct reasons for happiness that lead us to a feeling of satisfaction and inner peace.

 It is the mind that actually knows the real gain and the meaning of true happiness, unlike the one who seeks after material things, so he will be a human being devoid of these noble meanings, a pure spirit, and a bright mind that spreads joyful happiness, and this is what is expressed in the gradations of colors with their spread in the background.
 "Happy for the right reasons" suggests feeling joyful due to a genuine or valid cause, not for external factors such as money or chasing external rewards.
 It means that we make actions from a deeper sense of purpose and for a meaningful life.
 That means we act from our values and beliefs inside us.
Happy for the right reasons_ The satisfaction


Happy for the right reasons_ The satisfaction
