Abdul Hadi Khatri 的個人檔案

Equinox Beverly Fitness Gym Brand Identity Design

Project: Brand Identity Design

Client: Equinox Beverly

Gym Name: Equinox Beverly
Location: Equinox Beverly Fitness Gym is located in the London.
Equipment: Equinox Beverly Fitness Gym boasts a wide range of state-of-the-art equipment to help clients achieve their fitness goals.
This includes a variety of cardio machines such as treadmills, ellipticals, and stationary bikes, as well as strength training equipment like free weights, weight machines, and resistance bands.
Training options:Equinox Beverly Fitness Gym offers a variety of training options to meet the needs of its clients.
These options include personal training sessions, group fitness classes like yoga and kickboxing, and open gym time for members who prefer to work out on their own.

The Goal gym brand identity effectively communicates the brand's focus on strength and high-performance through its bold and modern design approach. The clean and simple design style, typography, color, and imagery all work together to position the brand as a leader in the fitness industry and appeal to adult fitness enthusiasts seeking a challenging and motivating gym experience.

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Mail: abdulhadikhatri3@gmail.com
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Equinox Beverly Fitness Gym Brand Identity Design


Equinox Beverly Fitness Gym Brand Identity Design
