Freelance work, 2023, time spent 1 day

The brief was to make 3 album cover propositions for Deep Blue The Band. The music is Nordic and Bolivian, with English spoken word on some of the numbers.

Fragmented and grainy like memories and dreams
The sky, clouds and moon represents the universal, the past and the present
Blue colors as a reference to the band name
Pillars are from of the music number's soundwaves

The mountains as a reference to the pan flute and Bolivia
The stairs as a symbol for our path
The jellyfish is the oldest species with multiple organs. By making them into clouds,
 I wanted them to represent our ancestors, spirituality and magic
Connecting with nature and earth
The forrest and blue shadows for a magic atmosphere
The old tree as a symbol of age and wisdom
Thank you for looking trough! If you want to know more please visit
Album Covers

Album Covers
