Vitoria Fantonis profil

Children Illustration "Childlike Purity"

This digital art, created only on Adobe Photoshop, is a children illustration part of a personal project.

I would describe this piece as "childlike purity", which was my main focus from the beggining. I love her expression and how I can almost feel that much joy and hope coming from her eyes. And, luckly, through her eyes too.

The art is a reminder there's still beauty even in the darkest times. We just gotta remember to turn on the lights and allow ourselves to dream and love again, just like the old times.

This little girl had no idea she would still have fun drawing as a grown up. Or, even, how a simple reminder of her happy childhood could change her future completely.
Children Illustration "Childlike Purity"


Children Illustration "Childlike Purity"

