Telia Smart Family
the project //
Telia Smart Family is a native phone app that connects families and makes their everyday puzzle a little easier. You have a safe space where you can chat with your family members, share to-do lists with each other, see on the map where everyone is and get notifications when they come and go from so called geo zones. You can also connect your smart home devices and control them through the app. The app is free for all users and works seamlessly over different phone operators and operating systems.

the team //
The team consists of a project owner, a technical project manager, backend, iOS and Android developers, UX designers, sales and marketing.
When I took over as the lead designer of this project the app was kind of simple and did not have many features. Even so we had a customer base that was loyal to the app and stated that the app really helped their family with their everyday puzzle. After I started we have developed many more features and gotten the monthly active users number up quite considerably. Among all features we also developed a communication tool to interact with our users and to give them inspiration to use all the features in the app. We also did a retake of the onboarding flow that really lifted the app.
Telia Smart Family

Telia Smart Family
