Erik Rawson profili

Beatrix Potter: Down The Rabbit Hole

This project required us to extend our skills in game design in order to replicate the workflow of an indie game developer. Our goal was to create a functioning prototype of a 2D game from Game maker and document its process. The prompting for the theme required us to randomly choose a historical character to act as the protagonist and to select a time period to be the setting.

The finished result of my game is a side-scrolling platformer with 3 levels. The input is keyboard and mouse, with arrow keys to allow for movement. The graphics are pixel art and styled in a way that is meant to emulate a retro game which are enhanced by the simple mechanics. I also utilised a start screen that has a parallax scrolling technique. Beatrix Potter traverses the levels and picks up floating books that’ll increase her score. When she has collected everything, then she can move onto the next level. It’s meant to be in the same element as traditional platformers, like the first Mario game for example. ​​​​​​​
I'm pretty satisfied with this project as it's my first attempt at a game. I used drag and drop functions that Game maker had for most of the coding, except for the movement which I did myself in order to make a smooth gameplay experience. The assets were also done in photoshop, with the palette COMFY52 from Lospec. 
Beatrix Potter: Down The Rabbit Hole
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Beatrix Potter: Down The Rabbit Hole

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