Prisão da Imortalidade (Twine)
Conducted in 2022 in the Twine software, an interactive story was created for the Interactive Narratives discipline together with Ana Rosas and Bárbara Pedrosa.
All programming done in Twine was done by me (colors, placement of images and videos, interactivity, scales, among others).
Below, you can check the structure and a brief gameplay video respectively.
Understand Me
In 2020, during the first year of the Master in Multimedia, for the Multimedia Laboratory discipline, the project "Understand Me" was created along with a few more colleagues. The aim of the project was to encourage people to learn sign language by ordering restaurant dishes using sign language. The more dishes they got right, the greater the discount they would have.
My role in this project focused on the visual elaboration of the created documents, logo, coupons and website content.
Below, it is possible to see some content created by me throughout the execution of the project. For better interactivity, you can access the website: Understand Me
Computer Audition & Generative Music (Pure Data)
For the discipline of Interactive Digital Systems, in the Master of Multimedia, in the year 2020, I carried out a work using the Pure Data software.
This project aimed to listen to different relaxing songs and simultaneously participate in them. That is, every time you snap your fingers, it creates sounds. The sound of snapping fingers is detected and, with this, interactive music is created by the user.
In the video below you can see how it works.
Academic Work


Academic Work
