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The Domestic Terrestrial Fauna of Kann-Toh

Not long after his wife died in 1915, the German naturalist Ernst Haeckel walked through a door in his house and found himself in another world. The people there called their land Kann-toh. This land was filled with creatures that Haeckel had never encountered before. While they resembled creatures from our world in some respects, they generally adopted bizarre forms that Haeckel found equally disturbing and intriguing.

Haeckel spent several months in Kann-toh documenting and drawing the manifold creatures that he encountered there. Then one morning Haeckel woke up and he was back in our world and not a day had passed. He tried to tell others where he had been, but they all dismissed it as the rantings of a man in the depths of grief. Haeckel did his best to recreate his drawings of the creatures from Kann-toh, but he feared that they were gross distortions of what he'd originally seen. His children dissuaded him from publishing the lithographs of the Kann-toh fauna and hid them after his death. They stayed hidden for over a century until were recently rediscovered.

This second set of lithographs show the domestic creatures that Haeckel found living on land in Kann-toh. It can't be…                              …can it?






These fictional lithograph plates were drawn using Stable Diffusion 2.1.
The Domestic Terrestrial Fauna of Kann-Toh