Profil appartenant à Nick Goso

There Really Are No Accidents // WSIB // DraftFCB

Screencap of the interactive experience.

This is a project for The Workplace Safety and Insurance Bureau of Ontario’s 2008 Interactive Awareness Campaign. This was the first time I got to work with DraftFCB and in particular Steve DiLorenzo – formerly their Interactive Creative Director, who I am now proud to call a good friend.

The beauty of this campaign is that it allows the user to immerse themselves in the moment, examine every detail in the split seconds before and after a catastrophic accident. By simply clicking and dragging the frame the user can drive the video content forward or backward as much as they like. They can stop anywhere in the video to examine a particular frame, while remaining immersed in the heart-wrenching story delivered by the victims of the accident.

A behind-the-scenes showing some pre-viz, on-set practical effects and stunt work, the camera rig, etc...
This series of interactive spots used “The Big Freeze” special effects camera rig to capture the practical effects on the day, then we enhanced the live-action with CG effects –  for some of the debris, fire and weather elements.
The pieces as linear spots.
There Really Are No Accidents // WSIB // DraftFCB
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There Really Are No Accidents // WSIB // DraftFCB

This is a project for The Workplace Safety and Insurance Bureau of Ontario’s 2008 Interactive Awareness Campaign. This project won GOLD & SILVE Lire la suite

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