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Preservation & Digital Archiving of Historical Fashion

Preservation & Digital Archiving of Historical Fashion

Historical paintings and portraits don’t always do justice to the detailed craftsmanship of historical fashion. The 2D artworks may miss out on the mesmerizing details of fashion that’s only possible to see when you view it from all angles and dimensions.

The concept of my project is to bring alive such details by digitizing the complex nature of past fashion trends. The theme and design of my entry is inspired by aristocrat fashion in the Victorian era. Creating a Victorian dress is no easy feat and would have taken countless hours to make as the dresses were sewn by hand. I believe modelling the complex details of these dresses in 3D allows viewers to further appreciate the effort of craftsmanship.

The meaning behind displaying the dress in a digital gallery setting is to expand on the idea of accessibility. I believe being able to appreciate the craftsmanship of historical fashion shouldn’t just be limited to those who are able to see such items in person. Accessibility to fashion craftsmanship should be open to all and 3D modelling offers an amazing opportunity for any designers seeking inspiration.

Preservation & Digital Archiving of Historical Fashion


Preservation & Digital Archiving of Historical Fashion
