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Asociatia ANAIS - #NOAPTEAFEMEII - Women's Night

Project: #NOAPTEAFEMEII - Women's Night

Create awareness on Women's Day on issues surrouning psychological abuse. 

Gaslighting was Merriam-Webster's Word of the Year in 2022. And it is the most widespread form of abusive behaviour. Progressive lies, be them at work or at home, can make someone feel stuck in the dark.

Women's Night - a late night conversation on International Women's Day about gaslighting for Romania's top feminist NGO

 What we did
On March 8th 2023, on International Women’s Day, ASOCIATIA ANAIS, a feminist NGO helping victims of domestic abuse, shed light on the phenomenon by launching Women’s Night - #NoapteaFemeii).

The awareness campaign featured a series of the most common 8 gaslighting phrases Romanian women hear, encouraged others to inform themselves about gaslighting and share the lies they’ve been told.

The campaign was launched on the 8th of March at 18:12 (GMT+2), the exact hour when the sun sets and Women’s Night begins. Each hour of the night, a hand-painted visual opened up a conversation on Facebook & Instagram, inviting women to recount in comments the lies they have continuously been exposed to.

The phrases used in the campaign were provided by therapists working with the ANAIS Association and were frequently heard in therapy sessions with victims of psychological abuse.

The campaign was supported by online influencers, ANAIS survivors, activists, and other supporters who aim to eradicate gaslighting as a behaviour in the future.

BONUS: All the visuals were hand-painted, to reflect even more the imperfect nature of a life of lies. 
Asociatia ANAIS - #NOAPTEAFEMEII - Women's Night

Asociatia ANAIS - #NOAPTEAFEMEII - Women's Night
