The Parthenon is a magnificent temple that stands atop the Acropolis in Athens, Greece. It was built during the Golden Age of Greece, between 447 and 432 BCE, under the direction of Pericles, one of the most prominent leaders of Athens. The temple was dedicated to Athena Parthenos, the goddess of wisdom, courage, and patroness of the city-state. The Parthenon is considered to be one of the most important and influential monuments of Ancient Greece, a source of great pride for Athens and a symbol of democracy and western civilization.
The Parthenon was designed by two prominent architects of the time named Iktinos and Kallikrates. The temple was built using the Doric order, a popular style of Greek architecture that was characterized by its simplicity, balance, and harmony. The temple was constructed entirely out of marble, transported from the nearby quarries of Mount Pentelicus. The marble blocks ranged in size from a few hundred pounds to several tons, and it took over 10,000 of these blocks to complete the temple.
The Parthenon was a masterpiece of engineering and architecture, which boasted stunning exterior and interior designs. The exterior was decorated with intricate sculptures and friezes, which depicted scenes from Greek mythology and the Athenian victory over the Persians at the Battle of Marathon. The temple's pediments were adorned with divine figures, including Athena, Poseidon, and Apollo. The interior of the Parthenon was just as impressive, featuring a vast cella or enclosure that housed a massive gold and ivory statue of Athena. The cella was surrounded by a colonnade of 8 columns on the east and west sides and 17 columns on the north and south sides.
All the above images are of the blender 3d model made by me, Rishabh Dey.
 It is a 3d model of Parthenon which is situated in Greece.

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