TYPOjam 2015 /// One week-long creative camp organised by s=eee Graphic Design and Bott Pince at Bodrogkisfalud. /// www.typojam.com + https://www.facebook.com/typojam/photos_stream /// We had the auction of 14 letters that were prepared during TYPOjam camp in 2015. The letters give the name of the village where the camp took place: BODROGKISFALUD. /// This money used to cover the cost of the BMX and bicycle field that was built for the young citizens of the village. /// Caligraphy was prepared by Vera Voronko and Adrienn Roza. Text was written by Enikő Balla. The building of wine bottle cork was supported also by Lajos Takacs, winemaker. Photographer: Lajos Major s=eee

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