Welcome to my plasticine world!
This project is a collection of some of my favorite plasticine works.
Enjoy watching it!
Illustration based on the movie "Caroline"
Two  faces,two eyes,two lives
Clara Zetkin and corals, an illustration created for March 8
Sweet Grandma Nina for the Challenge DTIYS(original art by @maryastart)
Original art by @maryast_art
A spring girl named Yesenia
Illustration created for my own challenge DTIYS
Members of my DTIYS Challenge @instaarttime, @vinivino, @anblgel, @olechka_berg, @dekabrina16, @kakartina, @b.o.a_art, @olis_dzyuba, @snotvorchestvo, @kwakabe, @borkkk74, @ob_awtor
Gadget, let me go!
An illustration based on GORILLAZ called "The Magic Pill"
As part of the challenge dtiys @lesya_guseva I invented and drew NIKITISHNA, and then finished her ANATOLY
Original art by @lesya_guseva
Original art by @romannaboch
This prince was invented and drawn to pair with Baba Yaga
Human faces.Plasticine.Illustration.


Human faces.Plasticine.Illustration.
