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MILKN'T | plant-based milk packaging

Milkn't is plant-based milk, created to be perfect for modern vegans. While getting more popular by the day, veganism is surrounded by increasing myths and misbeliefs. This is why vegans face many silly questions and misunderstandings, sometimes even from total strangers. A common misconception is that a vegan diet lacks protein and thus causes harm to health. However, a vegan diet and a lack of protein are not directly connected: you can have protein deficiency while eating meat, while you can be perfectly healthy while being vegan. What it truly depends on is having a balanced diet.

Milkn't is a project aiming to show that natural, healthy and tasty milk can be cruelty-free. This is why the logo depicts animals that are big, strong and awesome — and are also vegan!
Milkn't is an all-natural product, which is why colors and shapes used in design come directly from nature. They were simplified so that you can imagine what these cute shapes represent.
The main black and white color scheme refers to the "original" source of milk: cows:)
Milkn't is about freedom of self-expression. There are stickers on the package to help you: unglue them and put them on anything you want. 
Let the world know what you stand by and how cool you are!
Photo from Unsplash by Austin Wilcox, Bernd Dittrich, Christian Englmeier, Kelly Sikkema
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Contact me: ohonyaa@gmail.com
MILKN'T | plant-based milk packaging
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MILKN'T | plant-based milk packaging

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