Class Assignments
One Picture Story
Was a project called "One Picture Story" in the class Visual Narrative. The name of this piece is Sanguine Knife. The purpose of the image was to encourage people's interpretation (graininess is intentional for people's interpretations).
Record Album Design Assignment
This was another project from Visual Narratives that was about telling a story through creating record album design. The main inspiration behind this was my trip along the coast of Oregon in the Summer of 2022. 
Millikin Burst Magazine Assignment
In the Spring of 2023, I had the opportunity to help design the pages for the article "Change Starts with You." To help get the theme of community across I used people and the activity of cleaning the streets of trash. The main reason why I used a box in the image was to symbolioze the community work that students may have done when they joined Millikin in the last 1-3 years. Another piece of symbolism is the tree which can also represent community.
Trans-Media Project​​​​​​​
In the Spring of 2022 my final project in my Storytelling class I worked alongside partners. I decided my part of the project would cover video games. Our main goal was to create history for the stories so that they would impact each other. The name of my video game concept was Irythyll: Age of Artery. One way I incorporated one of my partner's characters into my game concept was by making them into a secret boss. Barri was the secret boss that was from Jerriamiah Refro's story that was from the Irithyll story francise.  The images above were used for a presentation in my storytelling class.
Web Design
Why Play Video Games (Exercise 1 Assignment of Foundatn in Web Desgn/Devlpmnt).
First decent size assignment of my web design class. I learned some of the more basics of HTML and CSS within this project. My main goal for this project was to produce a simplistic design with the skills I had at the time. I wanted to be simplistic so that it would look clean and not too cluttered. 
Indie Game Art Direction (Project 1 of Foundatn in Web Desgn/Devlpmnt).
This was a team project alongside Kyle McMillen and Cristobal Gonzalez. We worked on our own separate subject pages while still having similar CSS files to create continuity. We did make small changes for each page so that content could be shown in an appropriate manor. The part of the website that I worked on was the Terraria page.
Personal Projects
Pixel Art
Note: All pixel art was made using photoshop
Snorunt Snoland
I wanted to make a Winter themed pixel art with the Pokémon Snorunt as it was the December of 2022. Instead of making the trees a brown color I used a blue and purple color scheme to keep the continuity of the piece being cold.
This is a pixel art of a Hippocampus. During the fall of 2022 the Millikin Esports Team got off its feet and was able to get some people to join it. I at some point during the fall felt inspired to make a pixel art so that the Esports Team could have an image or a mascot. It never got used but it was still provided some good practice for pixel art.
Chrismas Presents
My two main goals for this personal project were to ease my way into creating pixel art and create presents for my parents for the Christmas of 2021. My process was to downscale images to make my images have a width of 128 pixels and then replacing the pixels of the subject. By doing this I simplified the highlights, shadows, and hues of the colors. The main thing I learned from this process is how to sculpt pixel art in Photoshop with a keyboard and mouse. Two images depict my cat Toby and a species of fish called blue gularis.
Keegan Gephart

Keegan Gephart
