Henkilön Chris Tan profiili

Picture Book: Little Fish

To respond the assignment brief, I decide to make four spreads of children’s book illustrations. The story of my picture book is about a fish escaping itself from a shoal. During its journey of exploring the new world, it meets several of sea creatures. 

According to my research, the general impression in using simple shapes is efficient to be received by the children, therefore I converted all the sea creatures into the geometrical shape forms. In order to enhance figure-ground condition, the contours of the sea creatures are perceptually formed by various shapes in accordance with the law of similarity and law of proximity. As such, the main character, which is a banner fish, is still recognisable despite its strikes are blended into the background. ​I enhanced the focal point of every single page in order to lead the audience’s attention. In addition to this, I had also created few die-cut holes to interact with them. All in all, I hope this book would turn out as a fun interactive tool to engage with the children.

Finish art of spread 1

Finish art of spread 2

Finish art of spread 3

Finish art of spread 4

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Picture Book: Little Fish