Co-Director Matt Fisher giving Jason Dewitt (Patrick) direction before a shot.
Chip Bradner slating a shot on the Grammy Lee Commercial set.
The crew gathers round as we prepare a shot in the living room set. The art director (Humberto) was shaking a snow cage above the windows to give the effect of snow falling (even though we were in a very warm sound stage).
Co-Directors Brian Calland and Matt Fisher work through some blocking with actors Jason Dewitt and Buddy Scott.
The camera crew doing there thing. Everyone was excited to be shooting in 16mm film.
It was a long night on the backlot where the exterior shots were filmed.
Snow machines were used to make sunny Florida look like a wintery Christmas Eve.
Buddy Scott waits patiently as Special effects Coordinator (Oscar Espino) attaches a candy cane to his leg.
The whole crew got together for a group shot at the end of a stressful four day shoot.
Grammy Lee

Grammy Lee

A desperate father has to become resourceful when he can't get the hot Christmas gift for his daughter. Starring Jason Dewitt and Buddy Scott. Di Read More
