Henkilön Luis Veiga profiili

Concurso "A Caneca do Mundial" | Vianagrés

Vencedor do concurso | 1st place contest
O objectivo passava por decorar esta caneca de cerveja tendo como tema o mundial de futebol.
Foi inspirada na magia de assistir a um jogo da selecção na companhia de amigos e de compatriotas, partilhando cerveja e emoções. As fitas simbolizam a conquista do troféu e o mote "Tragam o Caneco" a vontade de o fazer.
The aim was to decorate this mug of beer on the theme of the world soccer cup.
Was inspired by the magic of watching a game of national team in the company of friends and compatriots, sharing beer and emotions. The ribbons (with the words: goal, friends, anthem, passion, embrace, joy, win, and celebrate) symbolize the conquest of the trophy and the slogan "Tragam o Caneco", that means "Bring the Cup", the will to do so.
Concurso "A Caneca do Mundial" | Vianagrés


Concurso "A Caneca do Mundial" | Vianagrés

Inspired by the magic of watching a game of national soccer team in the company of friends and compatriots, sharing beer and emotions.
