The 300 sketch's project
Fans. Why Fans? Because I owned them at home. But mainly because they provide me with multiple gusts of wind to keep me from heating up during the summer. It's currently not summer anymore but when the summer heat was around, thought great, was bit too much at points. So on certain days, a cold breeze was needed to keep myself cool. Hence sketch's of fans was decided. Some sketch's were based on the big fans found in a Bunnings warehouse and some I saw in a department store. I definitely had trouble sketching the ceiling fans. Doing that type of 3d sketching isn't my strength. Getting the angle's to look 3d isn't easy. I feel like I would have the same results even if I had a proper ceiling fan Infront of me to sketch off.
The Bocchi blob was a massive group of sketches designed to essentially save time. It was also the sketches that I had the most fun sketching because they’re just fun to look at. Each blob is fiction and so I’m able to slap a comical face and each and every one of them. Other sketches were a slog and honestly, I didn’t have a good time sketching them. But this specific blog changed that attitude. Easy to sketch, fun to sketch, quick to sketch and I enjoyed the results that came after. It was also the most effort I but into shading. Getting the blobs "feet" to have shadows was my attempt at understanding the work of shadows. While seen in other works, this is where I was the most aware of shading. This may because I was dessignign a character instead of an object.
The clock series sketches is when I tried to sketch something I tried because it seemed overall easy to do. Different types of clocks exist and it’s easy just to sketch how they all work. However, when I tried sketching watches, I had trouble getting the 3d look down. I don’t own a watch so I didn’t have an easy example. Getting the shape right to gain that 3D look is something I tried improving on while I did the sketches for the watches and while I still don’t think they’re the best, I think they are better than what I started with.
Doing shells in one go while on a time limit was not easy. It did force me to do sketches that were not something I’m proud of however, it was a learning experience of how many sketches I can do in a very short amount of time. It also made me think about the amount of lines I would use in each sketch so I would say it was a valuable experience.
The rubber sketches were an attempt at making things easy to read. Everything was formatted in a way that would make each section readable and viewable without any confusion. Each aspect of the rubber can and can’t do is shown through some wording and visuals.
The random sketches. These exist purely out of requirement. There is no rhyme or reason. They just exist.
A attempt at showing how everything works. A somewhat detailed analysis of these items, made using sketches of course as well as being the last few of the lot. These were made with an idea of showing of what can be done. Like the fans and watch's that you saw before. 
Neco Arc
300 sketchs

300 sketchs


Creative Fields