Profilo di Alexdrina Chong

Sanguinella and Her Entropy

Sanguinella and Her Entropy is an extension of what I have started for my first book One Hundred Pages of Solitude. The word Sangui means blood red in Italian, and it's also the root of the word Sanguine in English. Sanguine also means optimism, especially the type of optimism needed during difficult times. Sanguinella is the perfect antithesis of Cinderella, there's no prince charming to the rescue, nor fairy godmothers. No bullies from stepmother or stepsisters, the only bully is perhaps from "life" itself. And most of all, Sanguinella, unlike Cinderella, fits into no shoes.

What I love about this name is that Sanguinella sounds like a bacteria, like salmonella. Drawing of the malevolent red-haired character did start during the peak of our pandemic crisis (Covid is a virus, I know...) Would be interesting to develop my character with features of bacteria, and lead to the theme of entropy.

Entropy comes from my nerdy obsession with the theory of life explained by physics. As entropy increases over time, the natural tendency is to lose its order. Is life a result of this law of entropy? 

This is the first strip to test the styling, more to come and I am excited! 
Sanguinella and Her Entropy


Sanguinella and Her Entropy
