Holy Water Whiskyfestival is a school project I made for my exam winter 2013. The Project were to create a fictional festival of our own choise. We were to design all necessary printwork for the festival, wich includes festival poster, program for the festival, brand book, pluss other needed printwork.

Here I will display the prosses of making the handwritten festival logo, production of the poster and final festival program and brand book. The design is inspired by the "turn of the century" design (late 1800 to early 1900). As a great fan of David A. Smith's work (the creator of John Mayer's "Born And Rased" album cover art), this project has allso been a personal challenge for me to try to measue up to one of my
greatest art idols work. 
Holy Water Whisky festival

Holy Water Whisky festival

Holy Wather Whisky Festival, a shool project by Simen Meyer.
