Profiel van Sam Maltby

What I am Photographing

Fears to Photograph
Below is a list where I have asked people I know and are close to "What's your obscure fear?"
I asked this rather than "What's your biggest fear?" as I didn't want multiple of the same answer and answers that were quite generic for example spiders as that is a fear that lots of people have. Asking for an obscure fear also makes it more personal to the person I am asking as everyone is scared of something for a reason and finding out the obscure and uncommon things people fear really shows more depth about them. Obscurity also allows me more room to experiment with my photography as I have a much wider range of things to photograph.
(Family members)
Dad- Heights, Platforms, Unbalanced
Mom- Balloons, Raw Meat
Grandad- Eyes
Nan- Motorways 
Aunt- Fish
Uncle- Blood
Jade- Hoover cover from childhood
Jess- Feet, Peelers

(Friends and other relations)
Tyler- Escalators
Bea- Balloons, Beans, Yoghurt
Alice- Bones
Macy- Pigeons
Jess- Needles
What I am Photographing

What I am Photographing


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