Profiel van Monika Godsmark

blue and red porsche

"blue and red porsche"
40 x 30 cm
mixed media (mostly colored pencil on paper)
Making of "red and blue porsche"
I start with a faded transfer on paper. It gives me a rough idea of shapes and lines and, more importantly, adds some interesting structure and character to the picture.
Making of "red and blue porsche"
I start my drawing with colored pencils.
Making of "red and blue porsche"
I work my way through the motif.
Making of "red and blue porsche"
Slowly but surely, the motif starts taking shape.
Making of "red and blue porsche"
I try to create a vivid contrast between the lighter and darker reflections in the glass and metal.
Making of "red and blue porsche"
I dedicate a lot of time to the smallest details (headlights). 
Making of "red and blue porsche"
I try to connect the transfer to my drawing by lightly letting the colored pencil layers fade out where the transfer provides me with interesting structures like smudges and spashes.
Making of "red and blue porsche"
Only during the process of drawing, I decide how intensely I work on the borders of the motif and how it will connect with the transfer. 
Making of "red and blue porsche"
The finished drawing!
Detail of red and blue porsche
Oh, the headlights! Not again headlights! Why, oh why does a car have to have headlights?!?!?
Dear future headlight-creators, could you please come up with a simpler design of the glass, please? One without millions and millions of sections, reflections and lines.  
Detail of red and blue porsche
I have a love-hate-realtionship to headlights. They take me AGES to draw because I get lost in the microcosmos of reflections, spots and lines but if I get it right, the result is quite rewarding.
Detail of red and blue porsche
Detail of red and blue porsche
Detail of red and blue porsche
Detail of red and blue porsche
Detail of red and blue porsche
Detail of red and blue porsche
The wheel
blue and red porsche


blue and red porsche

This drawing on a faded transfer is yet another homage to the love of detail in a picture. I love it when my colored pencils master to turn paper Meer lezen
